Tuesday, June 21, 2016


hen you’re in the midst of a busy life it can be hard to get motivated to start saving for your financial future.  You know you need to, but you don’t.  A lot of us aren’t saving enough. The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found that workers are estimated to be $6.6 trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably. The Employee Benefit Research Institute released findings that 48% or workers of all ages had less than $10,000 in savings for retirement.

So how can you get started on saving enough for a nice big emergency fund, and to be able to save for retirement?  Try making things automatic!

Automating Your Deposits Leads To More Savings
If we don’t put systems in place and take the time to make savings automatic we’ll often erect passive barriers to saving.  For example, we’ll decide not to start saving because “It’s going to take too much time to open a new account, and I don’t have the time right now – I’m too busy“.  We come up with reasons not to do things, when in reality those reasons aren’t very good.  The fact is, if you take the time to set up automated savings systems, you’ll end up saving more money in the long run.  Making things automatic – and the default – matters.

A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that when found that making 401(k) accounts opt-out instead of opt-in (meaning employees were automatically enrolled in a 401(k) unless they specifically opted out), raised contribution rates from less than 40% to almost 100%.  By the same token, if you can make those automated savings withdrawals be the default action instead of having to do it manually every month, you’re going to be saving a lot more money.  Having something be automatic matters.

Tools For Automating Your Savings
What are some tools that you can use to enable you to save more, by making things automatic?  Here are two savings accounts that I have used personally to boost my savings without my intervention.


I’ve been using a Digit automated savings account since earlier this year, and it’s enabled me to save over $3000 over the past 10 months.So how does Digit work?  You setup a savings account with Digit and then you link it to your main checking account.  Digit will then analyze your checking account transactions and balance, and when it feels like you have money to spare, it will automatically transfer money into your savings account in small increments.

For example, last month I saw the following amounts saved by Digit: $5.04, $17.26, $21.56, $20.99, $3.52, $90.90, $8.18, $33.94, $19.80, $11.55, $5.14, $6.55.  While none of the amounts listed seem like too terribly much, when you add them up over the entire month, it adds up to $244.43.
I can see Digit being a great way for a family to save up an emergency fund when funds seem tight, or as a way to max out your Roth IRA contributions every year.  Since the account is free it’s definitely worth giving a try.

Capital One 360

Another online savings account that can make saving easier and automatic is the Capital One 360 savings account.  Capital One 360 allows you to setup multiple savings accounts for multiple savings goals if you want.  I personally have 2 accounts setup with Capital One, one that I use to save for our next car purchase, and one to save for vacations. Just setup the account, name it by whatever savings goal you want, and then set it to withdraw money from your checking every month on a specific day.

It’s amazing how over time those automated savings amounts add up and end up being larger amounts.  For example, the “Next Car” savings account has a $200/month withdrawal setup. Over the course of several years it adds up to thousands of dollars, and by the time we need a new car we should have enough to pay for it in cash (or at least have a huge down payment).

Tools For Automating Your Investments
Investing money for the long term begins by making sure you’re actually invested in the market in the first place. The following two tools are highly recommended to get more invested in your brokerage accounts.


Betterment is an online investment advisory that allows you to invest in a fully diversified ETF index fund portfolio, for a low annual fee. I use Betterment and love it.  Like most investment services Betterment allows you to setup automated deposits and investments every month on a specified day, and I do that with my Roth IRA.  Unlike most brokerages Betterment now also has a new automated investing tool called “Smart Deposit“.  What Smart Deposit allows you to do is setup a maximum balance for your checking account, and then a maximum investment amount. Betterment will then check your account at least once a week, and if the balance is above your maximum balance it will invest those funds up to your maximum investment amount.

For example, if you setup a maximum balance of $5000, and you have $5500 in your account with a $500 maximum investment, it will invest $500 for you in your taxable Betterment account. It just happens for your automatically.  Great concept.


Acorns is another investment platform, similar in some ways to Betterment, that allows you to invest in a fully diversified portfolio for a low monthly fee.  Acorns has a couple of ways that you can automate your investing decisions.  First, it allows you to invest your pocket change.  How does it do that? You link your checking, debit and/or credit card and it will monitor your daily transactions.  It will then round up your daily purchases and invest that spare change once the amount reaches at least $5.

So if you have a transaction for $2.40, it will set aside the extra .60 cents.  These roundups continue until you have at least $5 to invest, and at that point you can have it set to automatically invest the money (recommended) or invest when you trigger it manually.  Second, acorns allows recurring scheduled deposits as well. Setup a deposit on a specific day, and it will invest for you.  Two ways to automate and invest, to make your balance grow.

Saving & Investing Is Better When Automated
When you’re thinking about saving and investing, you want to make sure that you’re saving enough to reach your goals. One way to ensure that happens is to automate your savings goals, and your investment deposits.

The four companies mentioned in this article may not be the only ones who allow you to automate your savings and investments, but they are among my favorites, and ones that I would recommend.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

THW Global Advertising Review JOIN FOR FREE !!!

THW Global Pay Plan:
Up to $25 per hour watching Better Than YouTube Type Videos. Also huge management 6 figure opportunity. International advertising giant needs over fifty thousands people over the age of 21 to invest up to 10 hours weekly giving comments on commercials, TV pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and so much more. Over 90% can be done from any smart phone or computer anytime / anywhere 24/7. From the comfort of your home or on the road. 

It's YouTube in reverse. At YouTube they pay out mega millions to people who get high traffic of people coming to their posting. THW Global does just the opposite by paying millions to the viewers who watch content not place content. There is no fee or gimmicks to start working with our company. This is a Global offer so if you know anyone anywhere pass this message on to them. In fact when you register with THW Global you will get a welcome letter with a personal URL in case you wish to recommend others to work with us. THW Global will reward you up to $5 for every person who earns up to $25 an hour that you personally recommended. This means if someone you recommended worked 10 hours they would earn up to $250 and you would earn up to $50. and this goes on for as long as the person you recommended works with THW Global. See even more incentives below. Advertising is the 4th largest global industry. 

THW Global needs over 50,000 IVs which stands for International Viewers. They also need people from every race and language. This will be a Billion $ Division in this $650 Billion Dollar Industry. So if you know anyone who would also like to do this. As long as they are over 21 with a HS Diploma send this to them. You will be rewarded for doing so by receiving $5 for every $25 they earn. 

Some Advertising Facts You Should Know:
  • In 2016 TV Commercials are averaging 15 minutes per hour and According to Nielsen, advertisers spent $78 billion on TV commercials in 2013, compared to $64 billion in 2009." It is expected to grow to over $100 billion by 2017 just in the USA.
  • The Global TV Advertising Market is multiple times more than the above numbers. http://www.statista.com/statistics/259974/tv-advertising-revenue-in-the-us/
  • The Top 5 Advertising Agencies Do Over $50 Billion In Sales "THEY MANUFACTURE NO PRODUCTS" All They Do Is Charge Companies To Advertise.
  • Global Advertising Is Expected To Top $650 Billion in Annual Sales in 2016. That Is More Than A $200 Billion Increase In Annual Sales From 2010.
  • YouTube Alone Was Worth 70 Billion To Google - That's a higher value than all but 66 of the companies listed on the S&P 500, according to Bloomberg. Did You Know Google Bought YouTube for 1.65 Billion In 2006. http://fortune.com/2015/05/27/youtube-google-value
THW Global Advertising Pays More:
Imagine not only being paid up to $25 An Hour To Watch BetterThanYouTube Type Videos. But also being paid up to $5 for each person you personally sponsor for each hour they spend watching BetterThanYouTube Type Videos and earning up to $25. and they're willing to pay more. An additional $1 For Each Person Up To Ten Levels Of Referrals for each hour they spend watching BetterThanYouTube Type Videos and earning up to $25 an hour. 

Here Are Some Examples:
  1. You spend 10 hours a week watching BetterThanYouTube videos you would earn up to $1,000 a month!
  2. You find 10 others to do the same and you would earn up to $2000 a month + your $1,000 a month!
  3. You build a 10 level team of thousands or more to do the same you would earn up to $40 Monthly for each person within ten levels!

THW wants to be bigger and better than YouTube and become one of the worlds largest Advertising Giants. Think about it most companies would pay a minimum of $1.50 a minute and sometimes more for a subscriber to watch their advertised content. Which comes out to a minimum of $90 per hour for which THWglobal will be paying up to $40 of such $90 back to it's IVs who are doing the viewing of such content. THWglobal plans on taking 90% of any money in excess of the $40 per hour they pay out to the field and spending it on new TV, Radio and Print Ads to build the New Internet Brand of YouTube Type Videos. For more information click here >>>http://randalljenkins.thwglobal.com/

Saturday, June 18, 2016

It’s Your Duty To Yourself, Your Family, And Your Loved Ones To Get Rich… Here’s How!

How do you feel about wealth? When someone says that it is “Right To BeRich”.. what is your initial gut reaction? By gauging how you feel about this statement you can really gain insight into what your ability to actually become wealthy is.
Like so many folks out there when I was raised by my parents I had some really screwed up views about wealth passed on to me…
Views like:
-Rich people are greedy
-Rich people got there by cheating others
-Rich people are mean
-Being rich was for other people.. but not us
-I should be satisfied with just having enough
Is it any wonder that I spent the majority of my life just getting by and perpetually in debt??
I mean really think about it… most folks want to be rich right? Yet, when others bring up the subject of wealth a lot of people have negative viewpoints on it.
The thing to remember is that our subconscious will not allow us to manifest something in our life if we have an internal negative association to.
You can’t become wealthy while at the same time secretly despising the rich.
It just doesn’t work that way.

A New View On Wealth

So then how was I able to switch up my internal wealth thermostat to the point where I rocked out last month with over $13,000 in income you might ask??
Well the key to that is adopting new beliefs….
The way that it works is that:
1. You adopt the BELIEF patterns of those who possess that which you desire in life
2. Which then causes you to implement different ACTION patterns in your life
3. Which in turn allows you to manifest different RESULTS
Belief >>>>>>>>>Action>>>>>>>Results……
That’s how it rocks.
So how do you adopt PROVEN belief patterns???
There’s lots of different ways to accomplish this but one thing they all have in common is REPETITION.
It’s only through daily repetition that we can reprogram our subconscious mind to a certain course of action.
In my blog post “Secrets of A $100k Per Month Earner” I go into the daily action patterns of those individuals who generate more than $100,000 per month in their business. I highly recommend you read it and then implement the training given.
Part of that training involves listening to empowering audios on a daily basis and for that the best resource that I have been able to find is the “Inner Circle Membership” offered by Empower Network.
The Inner Circle is Empower Network’s Self Development product which gives you access to today’s most powerful online marketing leaders.These are cats who generate between $30,000 to $500,000 PER MONTH in income.
Now why is it important to listen to these types of leaders????
It’s because if you can understand how a leader thinks and believes you can then adopt their thinking and belief patterns into your life… and your business.
I can tell you that since I EMPTIED MY CUP…. and dropped the ego.. and put everything I thought I knew (which was keeping me broke) in my back pocket and instead just adopted the belief pattern that if I could understand and mimic the strategies, beliefs, and thought patterns of top producers that my life would become exponentially better…..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IT DID.

So The Key To Wealth Is???

What I have found on a personal basis is that there are several different ways someone can become wealthy which include…
-Hit the lottery
-Fail your way to the top
-Take advice and counsel from someone who has already done it
Now I don’t know about you but since I don’t play the lottery there’s zero chance of me becoming wealthy in that manner and since I would rather shorten the wealth curve by decades I think the best way out of the three is obviously to learn from those who have already generated the results that I wish to possess in my life.
If you feel the same way and are tired of being broke… of being stuck in your business or your life.. then it’s time for you to TAKE ACTION (wealthy people take immediate action upon seeing the truth) and gain access

Did you gain value from this blog? If so then I would appreciate if you commented below and shared this post on Facebook by clicking on the share button.

Randall Jenkins & Tharia Shelton
Online Freedom Fighter

My goal is to develop ten $10,000 per month earners on my team in 2016.
Will you be one of them?


So many people spending the whole life just waiting…

Waiting for a raise…waiting for a job….waiting for a promotion.  

By God’s grace, it has become my life’s mission to help people understand that you don’t have to wait.  You have something in you that no one else has.  The beauty of it is people will pay you for that thing.  Whatever it is!

I read about Richard Littauer the other day.  Littauer considers himself a user experience consultant.  His story goes like this:

Littauer returned home drunk one night and saw a message on his computer from someone asking for feedback on their website.  The next day he thought to himself I should get paid for this.  Soon thereafter THEUSERISDRUNK.COM was born.  The first day the site was up he had 100,000 page views and made $1,000.

His premise is “Your website should be so simple a drunk person could use it.”  

A drunk guy working from his laptop at home made $1,000 critiquing websites.  

Think about a few things you genuinely enjoy doing.  How can you combine those things to help someone else?  If you don’t know where to start with turning your skill or talent into cash, click HERE get instant access to my free guide  6 STEPS TO 6 FIGURES

God bless you on your financial journey.  


I’ve spoken to several people about making additional streams of income.  99% of the time I get the exact same response,


Which is code for “I have something I would like to do, but I am afraid no one will pay for it.”  I get it.  I never thought it was possible to make money outside of a job, until a few years ago.  My goal was to get my bachelors, masters and get a good job, which I did.  

Then I realized that wasn’t enough.  You can probably agree.

Then I came across this story below and thought man if they did it what do I have to lose.  

The story I can across was about a couple from Hawaii.  They thought it would be fun to create a website with photos of cats and put captions of what the cats would say if they can speak.  People thought this was hilarious and they got a lot of traffic.  A few years later they sold the site for an undisclosed amount (that was rumored to be around $5 million).  This site is still running and you can check it out at cheezburger.com.

Now, if a couple that posts pictures of talking cats can make millions how much do you think your idea could be worth?  

If you don’t know where to start click HERE to get instant access to my free guide to making more money without impacting your 9-to-5. 

God bless you on your financial journey.


About an hour after I arrived at my mom’s house for Christmas she came out of her room upset because they cable company had snuck in some hidden fees that added over $100 to her monthly bill.  

The week before I had to call my cable company because I noticed that my bill went from around $100 to over $200 since I initially set up the service.  In addition, I came across the story of Jeremy Zielinski, who sued Time Warner Cable because he received a monthly bill of $94.45 bill for his $34.99/month service.

For years, you may have noticed small premiums on your own monthly cable bills.  And if you signed up for a low-cost introductory offer you might have failed to notice your bill typically doubles after the introductory period is over.  

While introductory cable offers are around $50/month, NPD Group estimates the average customer will pay $123/month.  

The key is to call your cable company every year to get your bill reduced to the introductory rate.  If they give you a hard time let them know you will be discontinuing your service.  

If you don’t do that this is how much it could be costing you.  Sticking with the averages, if your monthly bill was $50/ month and it goes to $123/month that is an additional $73.  If you invested the $73 each month for just twenty years, at 12% return, you would have $79, 142.

I hope those tv shows are worth it.  

God bless you on your financial journey.

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Born a slave in Mississippi, Bridget “Biddy” Mason became one of the wealthiest black women in the United States after the Civil War. As a child in slavery, Mason was stripped from her family and sold several times throughout Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina. As a slave, it was forbidden for Mason to learn how to read, however, she acquired skills in the field of medicine.  These skills made her valuable on the plantation because she helped deliver children, including those of the master, who were born there. Mason’s slave owner took her along when he decided to move to Utah, a good location to practice his Mormon faith, and when he eventually decided to travel down to San Bernardino, California in order to establish a new settlement.

Anti-slave sentiment was strong in California and surged when California drafted a constitution forbidding slavery.  Mason’s slave master decided to move to Texas, where slavery was still legal, but before he could leave, a Los Angeles Court District Judge granted a petition that set the slaves free.  A successful business man named Robert Owens invited Mason and her children to live with him in Los Angeles.  Mason started her career as a nurse and midwife.  Her reputation grew as she became well known for her herbal remedies. 

Mason was able to earn $2.50 a day, good pay for an African American woman at the time.  Oftentimes, she helped those who were unable to pay.  10 years later, in 1866,  she managed to save $250 and was able to buy two lots of land.  Mason used the land for gardening and built houses that she rented out for additional income.  Almost 20 years later, Mason sold part of her land for $1,500 and built a commercial building on another part.  A few years later, the main financial district was one block from Mason’s property which greatly increased the property’s value.  By the late 1800s, Mason became the wealthiest woman in Los Angeles. 

Mason acquired enough wealth to donate money and land to schools, day care centers, grocery stores, and churches.  She regularly visited jail inmates.  She worked with her son-in-law to form the Los Angeles branch of First American Methodist Episcopal Church. One of Mason’s family members quoted her as saying, “If you hold your hand closed, nothing good can come in.  The open hand is blessed,  for it gives in abundance, even as it receives.”